

Game are the UK’s largest computer game and console retailer, with around 30% of the market, including online sales. They have a network of 328 stores across the country, which generated a turnover of more than £500m in the first half of 2014.

As a high-profile specialist retailer with a huge presence on the high street, Game would be in a prime position to offer a magazine range to compliment their core offering. There is a wide array of high-quality computer game titles, and a well-chose selection would be an attractive offering for Game’s customers – yet this opportunity was being missed.

Game had considered magazines in previous years, but had been put off by a supply model that was inflexible and labour-intensive. So, when we approached Game in early 2014, they were receptive but well aware of potential issues.

While a clean and simple process for supply and distribution was a significant issue, Game were also concerned about the physical placement of any magazine range. As with many retailers, floor space is at a premium, so an efficient display solution would be vital.

Next steps
Having conducted a series of store visits, we opted to create a design solution for the queuing areas, not only using dead space to provide extra sales but also offering an ideal impulse offer for customers. Working with our design partners, we have suggested a 6-facings stand, which would give the stores a good range to cover different elements of their customer base – for different ages or consoles, for example.

The stand design is on trial in Game’s merchandising test facility, offering stakeholders across the business to assess its impact and value. If this solution meets needs and expectations, we will move toward a live trial in a sample number of stores – where can judge the effectiveness of both the display solution and the supply model.

We are currently working on a new supply management process, negotiating with publishers to develop a more efficient system with less administrative duties for staff in-store and less shrink and waste chipping away at the profit margin.